Thursday, July 25, 2013

More clarifications

Month things are going to start in August and go with calendar months.
Proof will be posted if possible or reasonable.
The books have to be chapter books that I haven't read before (no Cat in the Hat) but I can count books I started prior to the challenge as long as I finish them after today. Ebooks are fine too.

Also: if anyone wants to help with things (which is as easy as coming to a tea party or gingerbread decorating or book lending) you would be most welcome

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Master List

Ok, here's my list.  You can google 101 in 1001 if you want to read the rules and stuff.
All of these are things I can accomplish
Some of them are easy.  You try coming up with 101 things you think you can definitely do in 1001 days.

Start Date: 7/25/2013
End Date: 4/21/2016
  1. Write each goal on a sticky note
  2. Try five new foods
  3. Try 101 different beers (they can be beers I have had before but I have to drink them during the 1001 days)
  4. Make a souffle
  5. Make the soft pretzel mix that's been in my cabinet for a while now
  6. Make Jam
  7. Make pasta from scratch
  8. Make a rainbow cake (or similar thing)
  9. Bake sugar cookies and decorate them beautifully
  10. Make and decorate gingerbread men from scratch with friends
  11. Bake a cake and decorate it so that it looks actually nice and not just ok
  12. Pretend I am on Chopped and make a meal using four surprise ingredients
  13. Eat at Butter in NYC
  14. Find (or valiantly attempt to find) a taco place on the east coast that is comparable (or close) to west coast tacos
  15. Learn to use an espresso machine
  16. Join a CSA
  17. Buy a silverware set made only of metal 
  18. Host a dinner party
  19. Have a wine and cheese party
  20. Have a tea party
  21. Complete the 365 photo project
  22. Send a postcard to PostSecret
  23. Participate in Postcrossing
  24. Send mail to 5 friends (not counting birthdays)
  25. Send at least 5 birthday cards/gifts/etc. on time
  26. Send fortnightly emails to my dad for three months straight (or call just to talk)
  27. Send my mothers day cards so they arrive before mothers day
  28. Send my Christmas cards so they arrive before Christmas
  29. Put all of my friends' birthdays on my Google Calendar
  30. Inventory my craft supplies
  31. Enter a contest that requires actual effort (sweepstakes where you just fill out your info don't count)
  32. Sell something on Etsy
  33. Finish (and mail) my sketchbook project sketchbook by the deadline
  34. Crochet an entire blanket
  35. Use my dremel for something
  36. Finish all repairs in my sewing queue
  37. Make my "you are here" shirt
  38. Spend at least one hour a month with my real camera
  39. Build a new cage for Nessie
  40. Compile and print a list of safe/unsafe foods for Nessie
  41. Reach level 10 in DuoLingo for both French and Spanish
  42. Read 50 books
  43. Memorize all the elements in the periodic table in order
  44. Install Linux again
  45. Learn to decently play at least one song on guitar
  46. Get back the stuff I left at my mom's house when my dad made me empty my room.
  47. Have my room look nice enough I am not embarrassed to photograph the whole thing and post it online
  48. Fully clean and vacuum the inside of my car
  49. Have zero unread emails in GMail account
  50. Have zero unread emails in Yahoo account
  51. Reach zero emails in my inbox on my yahoo email (I can move them to other folders, I don't have to delete them)
  52. Reduce GMail storage to 10% or come up with a good justification for the things I saved
  53. Use only reusable bags at the grocery store 50 times
  54. Write a living will and have it notarized
  55. Go to the damn dentist
  56. Have no dishes in the sink when I go to bed for 30 consecutive days
  57. Get to work before 8:25 for 30 consecutive work days
  58. Don't complain (out loud or online) about anything for 5 straight days
  59. Stretch every day for 30 consecutive days (at least 5 minutes per day)
  60. Get a car emergency kit (jumper cables or whatever) for my car
  61. Visit family in MN again
  62. Visit Seattle
  63. Attend a dance performance
  64. Achieve my Left and Right splits (center is bonus but not required)
  65. Do 1001 pushups (that's an average of one per day)
  66. Do 8 pull ups in a row (might change this to a higher number if I get to 8 early on)
  67. Walk a total of 101 miles (by the end of the 1001 days)
  68. Walk across the GWB
  69. Watch the movie Brave
  70. Finish Okami
  71. Paint my nails 50 times (can count current polish if I start while my nails are painted)
  72. Wear a dress or skirt at least one day per month for a year
  73. Buy a winter jacket that is both very warm and very stylish (or move to a location that is never colder than my London jacket can handle)
  74. Dry clean my jacket from London
  75. Fix or get rid of all broken shoes with the exception of the pair I wore in my dad's wedding
  76. Get a new phone
  77. Get a less crappy EZ-Pass than the VA one I have
  78. Invest in at least one more stock
  79. Frame my Gaslight Anthem, Every Word Handwritten, and Gay Blades posters
  80. Buy something in which to organize my many show wristbands etc.
  81. Purchase something in which to file my important documents and file them.
  82. Get a chair for my desk
  83. Set up my laptop and hard drives on my desk
  84. Hang lights under my bunk bed
  85. Unbox everything that doesn't belong in boxes
  86. Contribute 2+ more recipes to RIBSless
  87. Restart the Oats4Breakfast blog
  88. Write and post monthly recaps of this list
  89. Complete or make a habit of some sort of journal
  90. Do an experiment (an actual experiment with a control and data gathering, not just trying something new)
  91. Do at least 10 things tagged to_do on my pinboard
  92. Make at least 10 untried recipes from my pinboard
  93. Contribute to fixing or replacing the WRPI soda machine
  94. Donate to 5 charities
  95. Donate blood at least five times
  96. Pass 200 IMAlive Volunteer Hours
  97. Donate 101 items
  98. Donate 100,000 Grains of Rice on
  99. Volunteer at an animal shelter
  100. Put $10 into savings for every goal accomplished.
  101. If at the end of the 1001 days I have not completed the other 100 goals, give $100 to charity for each one.  If I have completed all 100 other goals I can spend $100 on something of my choice.
  • I am the ultimate judge of whether or not I have completed a task
  • If I think of an exception I forgot to note while making the list it can be added on as long as I would have noted it if I had remembered
  • Should disaster befall me (such as job loss or serious injury) I am not required to hold true to my donation threat/incentive
  • I do not have to complete #101 within the 1001 days if it requires donating more than $100 to charity
  • If something on the list becomes impossible I can substitute another similar thing
  • Failing to maintain a streak does not count as becoming impossible if it was my fault