Not started

  1. Make a souffle
  2. Make Jam
  3. Bake sugar cookies and decorate them beautifully
  4. Bake a cake and decorate it so that it looks actually nice and not just ok
  5. Pretend I am on Chopped and make a meal using four surprise ingredients
  6. Eat at Butter in NYC
  7. Learn to use an espresso machine
  8. Join a CSA
  9. Buy a silverware set made only of metal 
  10. Host a dinner party
  11. Have a wine and cheese party
  12. Have a tea party
  13. Send a postcard to PostSecret
  14. Send fortnightly emails to my dad for three months straight (or call just to talk)
  15. Inventory my craft supplies
  16. Sell something on Etsy
  17. Finish all repairs in my sewing queue
  18. Make my "you are here" shirt
  19. Get back the stuff I left at my mom's house when my dad made me empty my room.
  20. Fully clean and vacuum the inside of my car
  21. Write a living will and have it notarized
  22. Go to the damn dentist
  23. Have no dishes in the sink when I go to bed for 30 consecutive days
  24. Get to work before 8:25 for 30 consecutive work days (0)
  25. Don't complain (out loud or online) about anything for 5 straight days
  26. Stretch every day for 30 consecutive days (at least 5 minutes per day)
  27. Attend a dance performance
  28. Achieve my Left and Right splits (center is bonus but not required)
  29. Do 8 pull ups in a row (might change this to a higher number if I get to 8 early on) (5)
  30. Watch the movie Brave
  31. Buy a winter jacket that is both very warm and very stylish (or move to a location that is never colder than my London jacket can handle)
  32. Dry clean my jacket from London
  33. Fix or get rid of all broken shoes with the exception of the pair I wore in my dad's wedding
  34. Get a less crappy EZ-Pass than the VA one I have
  35. Frame my Gaslight Anthem, Every Word Handwritten, and Gay Blades posters
  36. Buy something in which to organize my many show wristbands etc.
  37. Set up my laptop and hard drives on my desk
  38. Unbox everything that doesn't belong in boxes
  39. Restart the Oats4Breakfast blog
  40. Do an experiment (an actual experiment with a control and data gathering, not just trying something new)
  41. Do at least 10 things tagged to_do on my pinboard
  42. Contribute to fixing or replacing the WRPI soda machine
  43. Donate 101 items
  44. Volunteer at an animal shelter
  45. If at the end of the 1001 days I have not completed the other 100 goals, give $100 to charity for each one.  If I have completed all 100 other goals I can spend $100 on something of my choice. (0/1)

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